Hair Update 1 - Solange Inspired Braids


hey guys i know i havent posted for ages but i hope you are all on my YT channel
but anyways i got braids and it lasted me 1 week and 3 days :0
lemme just insert some pics 1st & i'll explain lol 
by the way this is the second time i've done braids so i wanted this one chunkier and longer :D

what went wrong?
well i honestly loved it, & so did everyone else and i will be doing it again because its such a good protective style and having kinky coily hair it did a great job at stretching it so i knew my length check etc
but ofcourse soon as i washed it it curled back lol -_-
so i used 10 packs of xpression and all of it went into my head, now i know my face may look big but i have a small head lol dunno how dat works but erm yeah so the hair was really heavy, i couldn't sleep with a pillow and i love pillows, had to sleep facing upwards and to me thats dead man sleeping so it freaked me out lol
but i will be doing it again using a max of 5 packs o cutting the hair in half but i totally enjoyed the long length and i wanna try out senegalese twists, just need to practice and also will try a different colour i just don't like black on me -_- :)

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  1. :o 10 packs?? wow. I've recently just done a set of box braids (feel free to check out my blog posts on it) mine are chunky and waist length and i used 2 feels soooo heavy on my head but i love braids!! your hair looks gorgeous(:
